ジャクソン 関連ツイート
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ジャクソン投手、一、三塁のピンチを凌ぎ、裏の攻撃に託す!@yudachi67koipoi 2018/05/09 21:34
延長で 10回表 ジャクソンが ランナー出すも 無失点です #短歌でツイート友の会
@apricot2801 2018/05/09 21:34
ジャクソン→今村 https://t.co/NdRu6RcI2r@Rosariofan69 2018/05/09 21:40
<p>One of the most terrifying stories of the twentieth century, Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” created a sensation when it was first published in <em>The New Yorker</em> in 1948. "Power and haunting," and "nights of unrest" were typical reader responses. Today it is considered a classic work of short fiction, a story remarkable for its combination of subtle suspense and pitch-perfect descriptions of both the chilling and the mundane.</p> <p><em>The Lottery and Other Stories</em>, the only one to appear during Shirley Jackson's lifetime, unites "The Lottery" with twenty-four equally unusual short stories. Together they demonstrate Jackson's remarkable range -- from the hilarious to the horrible, the unsettling to the ominous -- and her power as a storyteller.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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DB 1-1 C
ジャクソン投手、一、三塁のピンチを凌ぎ、裏の攻撃に託す!@yudachi67koipoi 2018/05/09 21:34
延長で 10回表 ジャクソンが ランナー出すも 無失点です #短歌でツイート友の会
@apricot2801 2018/05/09 21:34
ジャクソン→今村 https://t.co/NdRu6RcI2r@Rosariofan69 2018/05/09 21:40